jahez abraham johny

ai software engineer

me & myself

passionate ai software engineer

as a passionate ai engineer i thrive on the thrill of creating innovative applications that push the boundaries of technology. My love for community collaboration and teamwork fuels my drive to contribute to projects that make a difference. Beyond the world of code and algorithms, I am an artist at heart, infusing creativity into every aspect of my work. Whether I’m developing cutting-edge AI solutions or crafting a piece of art, my goal is always to blend technical prowess with imaginative flair. Let's build something amazing together!

skills & expertise

technical skills

i excel in combining advanced technical capabilities with innovative thinking, delivering impactful solutions that drive progress and creativity in every project I undertake.

  • Python
  • C++
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • CI/CO
  • Figma
  • SQL | PostgreSQL

soft skills

leveraging my ability to inspire and mentor, i create dynamic and inclusive team environments where ideas flourish and complex concepts are easily conveyed, driving projects to successful outcomes.

work & projects

buildspace - a place where people build cool stuff.

nights n weekends s5

  • speech recognition
  • connectivity to spotify
  • google calendar reminders

ai dev

GitHub Repository: personai

ml research

GitHub Repository: MFSCM

cochin university.

as a machine learning researcher, i worked on varities of machine learning and deep learning multimodal models to detect and classify malicious software. the work was submitted to springer link and it is currenly under review.


  • 0.99 f1-score.
  • time and space efficiency.
  • currently under review for publication.

publication: arXiv

swe fellow

headstarter ai

software engineer fellowship

a 7 week fellowship, where i focus on developing my software engineering skills and land a job. an initiative by headstarter ai. as of today i got to practice on html, css and problem solving skills.

nut shell

my professional life in a nut shell

get in touch


always happy to help.